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Things to Do in Lennox, Massachusetts

Oct 21, 2022 | Uncategorized | 0 comments

Written By Gerald

Tanglewood Music Festival

The Tanglewood Music Festival in Lennox is a summertime destination for music lovers. This picturesque outdoor venue features performances by the Boston Symphony Orchestra, as well as many other musical events. During the summer, it is especially exciting to attend a Tanglewood concert on a warm summer evening, when the orchestra plays the 1812 Overture and fireworks light up the sky.

The Tanglewood Music Festival takes place every summer on the historic Tanglewood Estate, the summer home of the Boston Symphony Orchestra. The festival features chamber, choral, jazz, and popular music. The festival is renowned for its artistic excellence and attracts more than three hundred thousand festivalgoers every year.

The Tanglewood Music Festival is the oldest annual music festival in the world, and was founded in 1926. The first performance in 1938 attracted 38,000 attendees, and by the end of the festival, it had grown to include nine concerts over three weeks. The festival continues to nurture young music talent and host world-class concerts.

Lenox is home to several historic buildings and art galleries. Visitors can tour the estate, where William Aspinwall Tappan lived in the late 1800s. You can tour the estate even if there are no concerts. In 1851, Nathaniel Hawthorne stayed in the Little Red Shanty while writing Tanglewood Tales, and Herman Melville lived in the Dalton house. You can also visit Hawthorne Cottage, which is a replica of the original Tappan mansion.

Josh Billings Triathlon

The Josh Billings Triathlon is one of the oldest triathlons in the country. The race features a 27-mile bike course, a 5-mile canoe/kayak/SUP course, and a 6-mile run. The race is held in 5 Berkshire towns and is followed by a post-race Josh ‘Bash’, which features awards and a free Kid’s Fun Run.

Volunteers are needed for this event. This race is a fundraiser for Berkshire United Way. It is open to all ages and skill levels. There is also a Josh Kids Race for children five to 12 years old. All volunteers are needed to help out.

This triathlon is a unique event. The bike course includes a small amount of climbing. The run course follows a loop on a hilly road around Stockbridge Bowl. After the bike portion, runners will run another 6 miles to Tanglewood, where live music will be provided by Everything Else.

Edith Wharton’s Mount

The Mount in Lenox, Massachusetts is a country house designed by noted American author Edith Wharton. Known as her “first real home,” The Mount is a National Historic Landmark. Today, the estate is open to the public. It was designated as a National Historic Landmark in 1971.

The main house at the estate was inspired by the English manor Belton House. Wharton also incorporated elements of classical Italian and French architecture into her design. The gardens were planned to match the architecture of the house. The Mount has been designated as a National Historic Landmark, which means it is one of less than 2,500 places in the United States that are historically significant.

Edith and Hoppin worked to create a home that reflected her tastes and ideals. She chose a white exterior with dark green shutters, and she incorporated elements of her travels to France and England. The result was a home reminiscent of a French chateau reflected in a pond in Massachusetts.

In the early 20th century, The Mount in Lennox was the center of the social world, a favorite spot for the world’s cognoscenti. However, it was neglected for decades by uncaring residents. Recently, a non-profit organization purchased the property and is restoring it as a national historic landmark.

Lilac Park

Lilac Park is a neighborhood green space that hosts weekly concerts throughout the summer. It’s also an excellent spot for walking or biking. The park is free to visit, but reservations are recommended. This small green space is the perfect location to bring the whole family. Lilacs bloom in this park all year round, but they’re most beautiful in the summer.

The park was donated by the Servin family to the Town of Lenox in 1908. It was initially planted with lilacs donated from neighboring estates. But by 1953, the park had fallen into disrepair and the Town had to hire landscape architect Lyle Blundell to restore the park. The Lenox Garden Club helped to implement Blundell’s plan and keep the lilacs alive and thriving. However, weeds and red maples took over and destroyed the original design.

To protect the park and the flowers, the Lenox Garden Club has adopted a Lilac Park Use Policy. The Lilac Park Policy covers the eligibility requirements for craft fairs, the fee for using the park, noise, and traffic control.

Museum tours

Museum tours in Lennox, Massachusetts are a great way to see the town’s rich history. The town is home to a number of historic houses and estates that have been converted to museums. The Frelinghuysen Morris House and Studio is one such property. The home was once a private home for American Abstract Artists and is now a museum. Another interesting historical house is the Ventfort Hall. This Jacobean-style mansion is on the National Register of Historic Places. It was the location of the film Cider House Rules, and is host to a number of special events and tours. During the evening, guests can experience the NightWood sound and light experience that illuminates the town’s scenic landscape.

If you have time to spare, you should also stop by The Mount, the home of the famous American writer Edith Wharton. The Mount is one of the most important places to visit while in Lenox. The estate is an important part of the town’s history and features a restored train station and various exhibits of historic railroad equipment. There’s even a train that runs from one end of the museum’s grounds to the other.

Museum tours in Lennox, Massachusetts are also a great way to learn about the area’s history. For example, the Ventfort Hall Mansion, which was built in the late 19th century, is home to a museum dedicated to the town’s Gilded Age. This historical mansion was once a popular destination for wealthy people and is now a museum dedicated to that era.


If you’re looking for something to do while in Lenox, Massachusetts, you’ve come to the right place. This small town is home to a few local shops and eateries. You can grab a cup of coffee from a local business or sit down to a delicious meal at a local cafe. You’ll find a variety of dishes, including summer fish tacos, couscous salad, and gumbo. You’ll also find delicious bagels at Bagel & Brew, a local eatery that is located downtown.

Whether you’re looking for a unique gift or a beautiful piece of art, there’s plenty to do in Lenox. You’ll find many unique items at Concepts of Art, a store founded by Lynda Strauch two decades ago. This store features hundreds of unique pieces by Jewish artists and features fine art, jewelry, and fine crafts from Massachusetts and Jerusalem. All of the items are handpicked and selected by Strauch herself.

Historic mansions

When visiting Lenox, Massachusetts, it’s worth taking a look at the town’s historic mansions. One such property is Ventfort Hall, a Jacobean-style mansion located on Walker Street. This landmark building is listed on the National Register of Historic Places and is open to the public year-round. You can also visit the museum on the estate, which houses objects and memorabilia from the Gilded Age.

The Elm Court Estate is another historic mansion in the area. This sprawling estate is a classic example of New England architecture. The house is so beautiful that it has become a summer home for the Boston Symphony Orchestra. It was also the site of the famous “Elm Court Talks” in 1919, which eventually led to the Treaty of Versailles and the League of Nations.

Morgan House was built in 1893 for Sarah Morgan, the sister of J.P. Morgan. Now it’s part of the Save America’s Treasures program started by the Clintons. The first floor is open to the public, and the second floor is being restored. You can see exhibits and even attend a lecture or theatrical performance.

Written By Gerald


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